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Dare to Ask: Can’t the nation’s hungry just buy a cheap burger?

By Phillip Milano Question Why is there so much attention paid to campaigns to feed ...

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Dare to Ask: He doesn’t (heart) upstate N.Y.

By Phillip Milano Question It’s been my sad experience that the nastiest, most quarrelsome people ...

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Dare to Ask: Is it OK to date someone mentally disabled?

By Phillip Milano Question I was at work when a hot chick walked in with ...

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Dare to Ask: No wave or smile from a white driver?

By Phillip Milano Question It used to be you could get a smile and wave ...

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Dare to Ask: Can you be gay and Christian as well?

By Phillip Milano Question A lot of people say they are gay and Christian. Isn’t ...

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Dare to Ask: Let’s decode a few high school subgroups

By Phillip Milano Question What’s the definition of a sk8ter (skater) and a prep? Michelle, ...

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Dare to Ask: Are dealing, haggling the Indian way?

By Phillip Milano Question, first offer Why are people from India always trying to return ...

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Dare to Ask: Ice in urinals? Well, fancy that

By Phillip Milano Question Why do urinals in fancy restaurants have ice in them? P., ...

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Dare to Ask: How do hip-hop listeners define themselves?

By Phillip Milano Question What do young people who listen to hip-hop call themselves? Melissa, ...

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