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Can my paralyzed friend have sex?

Are men paralyzed from the waste down able to have sex? I have a friend ...

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Let kids drink at 14 so they don’t drive drunk at 16

The drinking age is 21 here in the States. But over in other countries it’s ...

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A much smaller chance for the ‘bad’ people to get in

Why do some people want to live in a gated community, even in places where ...

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Why do counter workers put out tip jars?

What’s with all the tip jars at Dunkin’ Donuts and other coffee shops? I realize ...

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Are all Trumpies toothless, backwoods racists? Or just Christian?

Why did a lot of people against Trump in the election think his supporters were ...

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The War On … ‘Feliz Navidad’?

Why in the media is the Christmas greeting now 95 percent “Happy Holidays,” but when ...

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Is ‘hate crime’ just another term for Orwell’s ‘thoughtcrime’?

What is the justification for increased penalties for “hate crimes”? Why should an assault motivated ...

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OK for me to masturbate while thinking of an aunt?

Is it OK to masturbate while thinking of an aunt? She is very pretty, and ...

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Do only lesbians ‘turn straight’?

I have heard some discussion about lesbian women who go on to marry or live ...

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