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  • in reply to: Tip Tips #22456

    You're pretty much on the money, so to speak, with your percentages for drinks and restaurant eating. With food tips it really varies between 15-20 percent. Most restaurants that include gratuity (usually when it's a party of 6 or more) put it around 18 percent. It is generally accepted that you tip less at a buffet. I would suggest a minimum of 10 percent based on my restaurant experience. Also, one thing to keep in mind whenever using gift certificates or other discounts is that you should tip based on what the bill WOULD be. That's a common mistake. You might have some sort of deal where you get 15 percent off but you should still tip your server as though you were paying the full bill. As for the penny... one clean, shiny penny is an indication that the service was impeccable. I think this is lost in many restaurants. If you're going to use it, do so sparingly. Maybe in higher-end restaurants. As a variation, I've tipped but also left one penny.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Going bald before I’m 20, do girls care? #15707

    I'm out of your requested age range, but before I was 25 I dated a few men who were balding. I think it can be quite distinguished looking. Whatever you do, don't try to disguise it with funny hair styles. I had a male friend who was balding by age 17, and instead of working with it, he would spike his hair like mad to make it look more plentiful. Ended up looking more obvious. Like the other responder, I think shaving your head is a good idea. That can be very sexy.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Darn (fill in the blank) drivers #23965

    There are bad drivers of both genders. When I hear men, especially young ones or those who have not been driving that long, state that women are bad drivers, I just laugh. I've had equally bad experiences with male and female drivers. The accidents I've been in while a passenger have always been a result of male drivers, both in the car I'm in and the other car.

    I have a fair amount of experience with bad drivers. I've noticed that men seem to be into passing on the right at speeds of more than 80 mph, even when I'm doing a healthy 70+ in the middle lane. And they hate having a woman pass them. If I'm behind a slow driver in the left lane, it usually is a woman, granted. I think a fair amount of women do tend to drive slower, but the ones I've experienced this with are women who have children in the car. But when it comes to stuff like going slow as molasses when trying to figure out where to turn, turning from the completely wrong lane, or taking up more than one lane on a multiple lane road, there does not seem to be a gender who can claim to have the responsibility for that. Perhaps men are conditioned to think women are bad drivers, but perhaps it's because women aren't as bent on showing off their testosterone and ego levels as men are. Or perhaps men drive so quickly that we don't even have time to realize it's a guy driving like a madman. Or maybe it is that there are just as many bad male drivers as there are female drivers.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Showing off too much? #28597

    As someone who, until recently, was size 18, I can tell you that it is very difficult to get clothes that are stylish and non-huge animal print in that size or above. If you go with plus sizes, everything is large. You can't have a small waist, small calfs, small arms. With 'normal' sizes, you're then squeezing something in. It seems to be a market yet to be done well. Also, we see all these cool outfits on average-sized women and it's bothersome to know that 1) you're not going to find that outfit in your size and 2) if you try to do something comparable, it could be very odd-looking. As someone who has an hourglass figure, I don't like the idea of wearing sacks, nor do I like everyone seeing every part of my rear end. Further, a lot of the clothes that are 'suitable' are more expensive than normal-sized clothing. So, the next time you do see an overweight woman in tight clothing, think about the difficulty she might have in finding clothing that actually fits and she can afford.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Concerning sex before marriage… #13924

    I feel that everybody has the ability to make choices for themselves. For me, the choice to not have sex until I'm married goes hand in hand with trying to live by the Bible and the standards God has shown us in the Bible. Therefore, I cannot expect people who don't believe in the Bible and God to simply abstain from sex. What I don't like is how commonplace it is for people to talk about non-marital sex as if it should be accepted by everybody. Or that people assume that you're having sex with the person you're dating. There was a time when I was sexually active, but when I studied the Bible and decided to try and live my life by God's standards, I knew having sex outside of the marital arrangement was not in harmony with these things. Yes, I do feel like giving into the desires to have sex, but I also know what it's like to have sex, and I know it's not worth damaging the relationship I have with God. I hope that other people can see that my living by God's standards isn't about what I can't have but what I can have. So while I don't agree with people having sex outside marriage, I appreciate that they have a mind and the ability to choose what they want.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Parents or lover? #28999

    I guess the bottom line for me would be this (and I hope this doesn't sound too cheesy): lovers come and go, while parents stay (generally). If it's the lover who is saying, 'It's either me or your parents,' I would run far, far away. If it's your parents who are saying it, I would talk with them and try to understand their point of view. Supposedly these are people who have been in your life all along and often understand a lot about you. If they tend to make good decisions, trust that they may be able to see something that you don't. However, if your parents are always saying, 'It's either him/her or us' with every person you bring home, then it's a whole other ball of wax.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Bras for fat men? #30136

    This is a personal decision that your friend should make. Really, it's important for him to feel as comfortable as possible with his appearance. Besides, look at all the stuff women wear to enhance their appearance: push-up bras, stuffing their bras, girdles, control-top panty hose, etc. So I don't see how there's anything wrong with a guy wanting to wear something along the same line. Again, though, regardless of what I or this other woman you were talking to thinks, the bottom line is that it should be his decision.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: I need to put on some pounds #42240

    Your comment about withering away concerns me. Are you losing weight? If so, I'd strongly suggest you go to a doctor. Also, maybe you'd benefit from visiting a nutritionist. First visit your doctor and explain your concern and request to see a nutritionist. The only other thing I'd suggest is looking at why this affects you so much.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Can you tell I’m depressed? #34439

    This depends on the person. I have a friend who you can tell rather easily. He also says that after being around someone, he can tell if that person has depression issues. When I have problems, I tend to hide it with a smiley face. All other times I'm smiling so you can't tell the difference. So it's definitely a personal thing. Obviously, it would also depend on how well your therapy is going and your overall attitude. There are a lot of people who deal with a lot of crazy things but still manage to look on the bright side. I know that's very difficult at times, but it's the better choice.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: High maintenance #46798

    High maintenance means a person requires A LOT to be satisfied. In my humble opinion, people like this do exist. If you don't think so, it's probably time to ask yourself if you're high maintenance. No offense. I've known both men and women who fit this description. My experience has been such that it's used to refer to a woman who needs a lot of attention, a lot of pampering, etc. For example, I have a female friend who is high maintenance within our friendship. She expects phone calls every night with the summary of the day; she expects for me to listen to her same woes over and over again; when she's dating someone she expects beyond exceptional -- perhaps even humanly impossible -- treatment. I really enjoy her company so to me it's worth it to listen to the same thing over and over. However, when I've diverged from this, she'd get upset. In a stretch of the term, it could be considered a prince or princess. Again, that's a very loose interpretation. If you haven't, watch 'When Harry Met Sally.' This term is used in the movie and could give you a better idea. I could tell you that I'm low maintenance. What does that mean to me? Well, if I'm dating someone, I don't expect him to always go all out. A card is plenty; I don't need a card, flowers and another gift. Calling me once a day/week (depending on the seriousness of the relationship) is fine; I don't need a phone call everytime you come back from the bathroom. It's probably something that once you're faced with it, you get it. In the meantime, check out that movie to get a good idea.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Idolatry #14349

    As you said, often in the Bible images are referred to as things made to honor other gods. However, it is also clear that God does not want to be worshipped through images. For example, Isaiah 42:8 shows that praise is not to be given to images, nor should God's glory be given to anything else. That would include holy water and crucifixes, would it not? If people are putting their trust in these images and things, are they putting trust in God? Apparently not ... not if God commanded in Exodus 20:4 not to make any images and not to make carvings of anything that is anywhere - heaven, earth, water. It seems like it really comes down to one issue: does having an image, be it a cross, rosary beads, etc. agree with what God has asked us? No. the bottom line is that He said not to make any images of anything. The Scripture in Isaiah makes it clear we're to stick with this even if we are wanting to praise God. We are to give that praise to Him and only Him. I wouldn't say the movies themselves are promoting idolatry, because they are just movies. However, belief that holy water keeps away witches and crucifixes can keep away vampires is not in accordance with God's way. It is only whole-souled reliance on God that can help us stay away and get out of trouble.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Girls who wear revealing clothes #30618

    I think Philip is asking about something more than a skirt above the knees or a tank top. Hopefully he means skirts that come right below women's butt cheeks and shirts that allow someone to guess a woman's bra size without much difficulty. I also think he's asking why some women put their bodies out there as objects. As I walk down a street and see the lack of length in skirts, the tightness of tops and bottoms, and the revealing necklines, I can't help but think the same questions that he's asking, and I'm a woman.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Why’d Adam do it? #36268

    Genesis 3:6 indicates that Eve gave fruit to Adam when he was with her. One translation reads: Afterward she gave some also to her husband when with her and he began eating it. In the 6+ translations I looked in there is no indication that Adam was with Eve at the moment the serpent tempted her. In fact, if you look in 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:14, it's emphasized that Eve was the one who was seduced by the serpant. Once that happened, Eve was considered sinful and no longer perfect. In turn, she convinced Adam to eat the fruit also. Adam chose to follow Eve, showing that he cherished his relationship with her more than the one he had with God. Satan, the serpent, used Eve to tempt Adam. Unfortunately, Adam chose to disobey God just as Eve chose to disobey God. Surely, either you or someone you know has done something idiotic because a woman you loved asked you to. Conversely, women have done stupid things for guys because we love them. Obviously to us it seems silly that Adam did what he did. The same could have happened to Adam if the situation was switched. Why Satan chose Eve to 'attack' we don't know. What we do know is that Adam chose poorly and as such, we've inherited that sin, just as we inherit all sorts of traits from our parents, grandparents, and so on. Romans 5:12 It may sound unrealistic but remember we're looking at this after the fact. Hindsight bias is 20/20!

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Intermarriage-friendly communities #23204

    It is surprising that you experienced that sort of behavior in Cambridge. I'd like to say just rack it up to ignorance and someone with a grudge. You don't know who wrote this note -- it might not have even been someone from that area, it could have been some drunk guy who was spurned by an Asian girl at some point. However, if you do continue experiencing issues -- which I sure hope you don't -- try Brighton/Allston, Kenmore Square and South End/Back Bay. I would probably tend to stay away from areas that are primarily one ethnicity, like Quincy, because you might experience discrimination from the other side. The neighborhoods I mentioned above are rather diverse.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Bumps on nipples? #27693

    If you are talking about the skin surrounding the nipple, the areola, yes it is normal. The areola is the circular part around the nipple itself, generally the same color as the nipple. The skin is roughened, which is what you may be thinking are bumps. Depending on the person, the nipple may also be 'wrinkled.' This is more noticeable on a woman when her nipples aren't erect. Perhaps either one of these is what you are thinking of as bumps. Regardless, nipples are a lot like snowflakes: No two are the same. If a woman has breastfed a child, her nipple will, most likely, be different than it was a year before breastfeeding. If you're worried about something you've noticed on your partner, you might want to ask her about it. Only she can tell if it's normal, seeing as how none of us responding have seen this woman's nipples (most likely).

    User Detail :  

    Name : Stacey, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Jehovahs Witness, Age : 28, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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