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  • in reply to: The ACLU #20449

    on if you REALLY believe in civil rights and the Constitution. The ACLU may not like or agree with something, but if you are legally allowed to engage in the behavior, they'll defend your right to do/say it. If America is to remain a free society SOMEONE has to stand up and be as passionate defending the right of the KKK to be racist as they are when arguing that street preachers in Vegas having a right to proselytize outside the casinos. That's what the ACLU does. They defend ALL our rights when they defend the rights of the individual. IMO groups like the ACLU are an invaluable part of a free society.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: superiority #20456

    it comes mostly from accomplishment and conquest. If your technology and medicine is better than everybody elses, you MUST be better than they. When your army can subdue and enslave everyone elses army, you must be better than they. Whites conquered the asians, the africans, the arabs, the aztecs and mayans and the savage Red Indians so the whites were OBVIOUSLY superior. They mapped the stars and the earth, developed empirical science, and set down "universal" laws of man. When your group controls the government, the church, the financial institutions, and the armies of the entire known world...well...there must be a reason. Nobody had to TELL the white people they are the superior race, they could see it with their own eyes every time they looked around. (this is a possibl

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Why do whites think all blacks are from Africa #22232

    Why do YOU have such a hard time believing that you might have African ancestory? Louisiana Creole's are commonly understood to be a mixture of peoples, including African-Americans. During the Spanish Colonization of the Americas, Panama was a major distribution point for slaves headed elsewhere on the mainland. In the early twentieth century there were literally tens of thousands of Jamaican and Antilles blacks working on the Panama Canal. Just because your known ancestors came from a certain region doesn't preclude African heritage. I don't know why YOU have such disbelief. After all, anthropologically speaking, the black race DID originate in Africa...

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Women’s bathroom stall graffiti #22231

    Usually only in the rowdier nightclubs.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Smokers "step outside" #22230

    maybe they say that because "outside" is where they will be. There was a time when one could pop into the break-room and have a couple puffs, put it out and be back at work in less time than some take in the bathroom. These days one "takes a break" in the break-room and "steps outside" for a smoke. So "no", I don't feel guilty for "stepping outside" for a smoke break, after all, that's where the do-gooders banished me to.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: The word of God shall not be changed? #22229

    and when the translation is translated, is it not changed AGAIN? And so on, etc. LOL! My evangelical friend explained it to me thus: The Bible is the unchanging word of God, therefore it CANNOT be changed. Even if the translator WANTED to use a wrong word, when writing the translation, he'd be moved by "The Spririt of the Lord" to use the correct one. That's what she really, truly, and whole-heartedly believes anyway.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: A people-watcher wonders…. #22227

    Staring is rude. Didn't your mother ever tell you to quit staring at someone? It's like pointing, or picking your nose, or standing too close when speaking to a stranger. Have you ever had someone sit down right next to you in an empty waiting room? Did you move to a different seat? Most people would. We all have what is considered a "personal space" around us. When people stare, it's an invasion of that space, a feeling of invaded privacy, and we become uncomfortable. Deliberately making someone feel uncomfortable is the very essence of rudeness. Because Europe is more densely populated, and has been for a long time, they have gotten used to not having that space nor do they have the same expectation of privacy that most Americans do, so they don't feel the same discomfort.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: sandwiches and Europe #22226

    Water is refreshing and healthy. In ALL of America's cities (bustling or otherwise) water is widely available to people on the go. And?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Are “accents” considered rude? #22225

    As someone who's been coast-to-coast and border-to-border I can tell you that usually people find accents interesting and charming. If the accent is really pronounced they'll often ask where you're from, why you moved, about your family, etc.But there are also people who will label you with regional stereo-types (which can be annoying). Some people assume that Southerners are uneducated hicks. Or Californians are lazy and superficial, Midwesterners are polite and up-tight, Northeasterners aren't very friendly, etc. It's kind of tiresome having to live down your accent, but once people get to know you they'll usually start to ignore it and just treat you like anyone else.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Why do women gossip so much? #22223

    Well, Tina, why don't YOU tell us? After all, you ARE a woman. Why DO "women" act like this? Perhaps you should be asking why GOSSIPS, male and female, gossip. I work in a male dominated industry and I can tell you for a FACT that the men around me gossip just as much as any woman. Only their topics of gossip seem to be different; women tend toward discussing looks, clothes, "sluttiness" etc while men talk about each others cars, sports prowess, wives, drunken antics, etc.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Women in Men’s Pro sports #22222

    I don't recall ever seeing a professional male athlete attempt to join a women's league. After all, the demeaning "wussie" is a mash-up of "wimp" (an effeminate male) and a woman's genitalia. I can't imagine how much razzing he'd get from his fans, his colleagues, sports writers, etc. if a guy WAS to demand a place. "You throw/run/jump/hit like a girl", "You have to play on the girl's league because you can't compete with "real" men". Remember, even today "sports" is mostly a boy's club and society at large is still pretty misogynistic when it comes to men vs. women. Men's teams pay better, are more prestigious, get more publicity, have better amenities, a larger fan base, and stronger competition. Women's sports are still playing catch-up.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Americans and their straight pearly whites #22228

    Dental health and hygeine is like any other kind of health and hygeine. Crooked teeth can be uncomfortable, cause misalignment of the jaw, impair speech, and interfere with food consumption. Straightening them and correcting over/underbites is simply another healthcare issue. That straight teeth are more appealing is simply a nice extra. As for those "pearly whites"...if your teeth are "pearly white" it shows that you take personal cleanliness seriously and that you are less likely to have health problems associated with gum desease and rotting teeth. besides, which would YOU rather kiss, a nice, tidy, clean mouth or one with receding gums, bad breath, and dingy yellow teeth?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: question #22224

    it's a learned response from our misogynistic past. Historically, women weren't considered very smart. Of course a lot of that had to do with the fact that it didn't seem practical to educate your girl-child in anything more than the basics. Her role was to have babies, keep the house, and obey her husband...intelligence wasn't needed. Even today you see that bias. The president of Harvard, not too long ago, opined that the likely reason more women weren't in the Sciences was not institutional discrimination, but the female inability to do good science. And it wasn't all that long ago that women weren't even "allowed" to hold jobs, to persue certain areas of education, go to certain schools, etc.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: Make Bible part of the classroom? #22196

    I could say the Illiad or the Eddas of Norse mythology are just as "historically accurate" as the Bible. Just because some of the details are provable doesn't mean the stories of gods, dragons, magic, and miracles is. A millenium from now scholars may be arguing about whether the works of Louis L'Amour be used as a basis for teaching the history of the American West. He was, after all, very careful to be historically accurate in location, description, etc.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
    in reply to: I don’t care what color illegal aliens are… #22131

    this is the way that Latino-rights groups want it. It is a FACT that the majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic so they use this issue to divert fair-minded Americans from the indefensible actions of foreign nationals and get them to follow the red-herring of a poor, oppressed, little hispanic gardener just trying...(sniff)...trying to feed his...(sob,sniff, sniff)...five little starving nino's and...(sniff, sob)...his poor, blind mama... it's a ploy, and it works pretty well because we Americans are pretty genererous and we value fair play...

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mara, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 40, City : Atlanta, State : GA Country : United States, Occupation : data entry, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
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