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  • in reply to: Mexican men’s tiny interest #43801

    It's because they're the most beautiful, that's why! I get so sick of Hollywood and Madison Avenue trying to push these tall toothpick women, the so-called supermodels, as the ideal that women should aspire to be. The most beautful women are no taller than 5'4" I'm 6'1" and I've never been out with a woman taller than 5'4", some as short as 4'6". Petite women tend to be much curvier and more feminine than these six-footers Anglo America falls for. To my eyes, taller women tend to be far too thin and thus unhealthy-looking. And because many men foolishly overlook petite women, they tend to be brainer and less self-centered. Plus let's not ignore that many Mexican men, thankfully, have not fallen for the notion that they should demand women fit an image they cannot possibly live up to. How unhealthy is it for women to desire to be taller, something they have absolutely no control over? Mexican men also tend to be not so overly tall themselves, thanks to a healthier diet that is not as ridiculously meat-heavy and unhealthy as the Anglo-American diet.

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: “Mutant” aborigines #33457

    That's what the aborigines of Australia have to say about Morgan and her book. Utne did an expose of her back in 1994. They found out she completely made up her experiences, her itinerary, and the degrees she claimed to have. More importantly, the aboriginal leaders state emphatically that nothing in the book has the tiniest bit of resemblance to their actual beliefs and practices. Others were quick to point out this book's resemblance to another famous hoax, the 'Don Juan' books by Carlos Castaneda. Both are badly written fantasies with not the slightest bit of factual basis very cynically designed to make a load of money by telling whites what many of them WISH were true, that they could actually become the so-called 'noble savages' they admire in a patronizingly racist way without the struggle that life as an indigenous person is. See the Playing Indian question for more on this. Also try this link for the native view of New Age and why we regard it as such a grave threat to ourselves and our cultures. http://www.lakotaoyate.com

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: ‘Buying’ Native American customs #14806

    The problem is not that you want to learn about us. It's that so many of you think of us as creatures of the past, as quaint holdovers. So some of you will do things that you would never do to other groups, like dress your kids up as 'Indians' on Halloween or have them do rain dances as boy scouts, or use insulting cartoons of us as sports mascots. Would you 'honor' Jewish people by having your own version of a Bar Mitzvah? Would you crowd out Jewish worshippers from the Wailing Wall so you could sell crystals? Would you get your information about Jewish beliefs by people who claimed 'the Jews are too weak to carry on their old ways, now it's up to whites to do it'? Yet these types of things are exactly what most New Age/would be shaman/Men's movement types are doing now.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Nazi Germans vs. WW II Japanese Aggression #45443

    The simple fact is that Japanese aggression, while horrible, was not a systematic attempt to wipe out a group of people, as was the Holocaust against Jews, Gypsies, Poles, gays and others. As far as the A-bombings, the historical evidence we have shows they were unnecessary. One of the best-known American historians, Ronald Takaki, showed in his book that generals Macarthur, Marshall and even Patton were opposed to using the A-bomb and thought Japan would surrender without an invasion in a few months. Truman's claim of a million lives saved was an outright lie. His motive for using the bombs, by his own words, was really to try to frighten the Soviets into behaving.

    As far as unequal treatment goes, how many German-Americans get blamed for Nazism? Did anyone ever tell Norman Schwarzkoff to go back to where he came from or publicly call him 'kraut' on the anniversary of D-Day? Things like this happen all the time, not just to Japanese, but to all nationalities of Asian people, done by those who still hold a grudge for Pearl Harbor. Why the unequal treament? Simply because Japanese are Asian and Germans are 'white.' Part of why Japanese atrocities get less attention is that they were done against other Asian people.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Homeless and shopping carts #16047

    In many cities, even supposedly liberal San Francisco, police have a policy of taking away carts from homeless people. But they rarely charge homeless people for 'stealing' the carts. For one thing, a few days in jail with meals and a bed is what many homeless people would prefer to the way they live, especially when it is cold in winter. For another, many working-class people who can't afford to drive a car take those shopping carts also and use them to push their groceries home. But arresting or ticketing people who work would cause a major hassle. It's interesting that this last group would say they are just borrowing the cart. Finally, cops have better things to do, or they should.

    I have to ask why you would feel concerned about shopping carts, unless you own a store yourself. These are not major criminals we're talking about, but people with nothing. Police hassling the homeless accomplishes nothing and is downright mean-spirited toward the very poor.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: White guilt vs. safety #46432

    To use your 'logic,' everyone not white should watch out for all white males because of what happened in Jasper and the hundreds of thousands of other hate crimes in history. Should all white women judge all white males by Ted Bundy or the other almost exclusively white male serial killers? What you're doing makes about as much sense. I and many other non-white males have experienced many times when rednecks threaten us, curse us or pick a fight when they are drunk or just feeling mean. I just have to keep reminding myself about the better Anglos I know who I grew up with or had as Army buddies. Why can't you and all the other fearful whites see that your fear is based on prejudice?

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: American aggressiveness #29106

    Don, take a break from US media yourself and all its relentless promotion of America as the greatest nation in absolutely every aspect of life. My sisters and in laws routinely walked around alone late at night in Mexico, Central American, the Phillipines, and Japan, something they wouldn't dare try here in the US. If you travel anywhere outside the US, it's pretty obvious right away that most Americans are more hostile than most people in other countries. Most serial killers in the world are like yourself, American white males in their thirties. Some reason for this should be obvious: high availability of guns, a history and culture that sees violence as the solution to any problem, high mobility of and alienation among the population, a lack of community and a strong belief in getting ahead no matter how much you have to step on other people. One final point, Latinos (and blacks) make up most of the jail population, but most crime is committed by whites, simply because the US is 80% white. It's been extremely well documented that the darker you are, the harsher your sentence.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Dislike of Hispanics in America #45329

    During the many times I've been to Mexico I never felt any hateful prejudice against me, but sometimes an amused belief that I wasn't "really" Mexican because I'm much taller than your average Mexican, I dress "American" (though in America I'm seen as dressing "cholo"), my Spanish has a lot of slang, and so on. But I do see some hatred in the United States between Latinos who were born here and those who are immigrants, "pochos" vs. "mojados." Some of the first group shares a lot of the prejudiced attitudes toward immigrants as some Anglos. I suspect it's because they feel the need to prove they're "more American" by taking part in this prejudice. Some of the immigrants accuse the native born of wanting to be white or forgetting their heritage, charges that are sometimes true, in my view. Ironically, the last round of immigrant bashing by politicians helped bring both sides closer. Many of us recognized that, to a white racist, "somos illegales," we're all seen as wetbacks, and we have to overcome that together.

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: ‘Buying’ Native American customs #35062

    It's because they don't really understand or respect our beliefs, so they think spirituality can be bought, sold and used up like tampons or a used car. These people don't see that the money completely corrupts what they claim they are trying to do, or they just don't care. And going to someone selling a pretty, idealized myth is also much easier than having to deal with the consequences of living on land taken from another people. It allows them to erase the ugliness in their own ancestors' past. Much of this does come from a genuine spiritual hunger. It's just sad that many, like Carlos Castaneda and Heheyosts Storm, have exploited this for their own greed and ego. To any whites who want to learn about us, why don't you try talking to us and not these snake oil salesmen? Come to a powwow or read God Is Red, one of the best books out there on native spirituality.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: White people and hiring #32556

    If whites have a problem getting jobs, then why do they have the lowest unemployment of any group, including Asians, who are better educated as a group than whites? As for a second language, that's a badly needed skill in the workplace which far too few Americans have but most jobs DON'T require. Latinos and Asians are losing their second language at an alarming rate in any case and are routinely fired for speaking their naitve languages at work. You also ignore the fact that the majority of people who benefit from these hiring practices you complain about are just like you- they are white women. Finally, you are not the minority now. Whites still make up 80% of the US population and are the largest group in every state except Hawaii. There are dozens of states in the West and Midwest where anyone nonwhite is a rare sight. If I had a penny for every time someone white complained about affirmative action to explain their own failures, I'd be a rich man. And if I had one for every time I was given a job only for being nonwhite, I wouldn't have a cent. I ask you, why do you feel the need to resent and fear us so?

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: What IS ‘Caucasian’ #44060

    I would hope you wouldn't want to use either term. "Caucasian" is a pseudo-scientific term meaning "originating from the Caucasus Mountains." The Aryanist school of historians in the early 1800s came up with the term in order to invent a common origin for all people of "white" ancestry. Trouble is, there's no evidence to back it up, just wishful thinking. The latest scientific evidence says the "white race" does not exist except in imagination because it is just an offshoot of Asian people. "White" as a racial term was first used in the 15th Century because colonialists wanted to identify Europeans with the color traditionally associated with purity and good in Western thought. I would encourage people of European ancestry to call themselves either European or Anglo because these are cultural and not racial labels and not exclusionary and divisive like "white" and "Caucasian."

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: The White West and hate groups #35323

    Believe me, Indians are frequently targeted by racist whites. That area of the country is probably the most prejudiced against Indians of any I have seen, partly because there are practically no other targets around. I heard 'prairie nigger' said as commonly there as 'nigger' is said in the South or 'wetback' in the Southwest. Bigots tend to hate whover is nearby. Statistically, Indians are the only ethnic group that have violence done to them mostly by another group. Most crime is white-on-white, black-on-black, etc, except against Indians, where it is almost always a white criminal against an Indian victim. Organized hate groups have targeted us in the past, but we usually have successfully defended oursleves. Unorganized random hate is much harder to stop. One of your other points is interesting. I heard anti-semitic and anti-black comments frequently in areas where there are few Jewish or black people. I can only speculate that bigots are responding to ugly stereotopes they hear in the media.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Keeping records #36415

    Keeping records based on race/ethnicity/origin goes back as far as the first U.S. Census in 1790. It's actually constitutionally protected as being necessary to decide the makeup of Congress, so outlawing it is not possible. It's also not a good idea. Saying that attempts to keep track of different groups' progress or problems "causes" racism or prejudice is like saying an emergency room "causes" heart attacks. The treatment may or may not be effective, but the problem was there long before.

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    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Hollywood vs. reality #26116

    You missed my point James. Pocahontas triviliazed a tragedy in order to makes whites feel better about their past. The true story of an 11 year old girl kidnapped and forced to marry a middle aged man was turned into Romeo and Juliet. Should such a story even be made for children at all, at least by anyone with a conscience? But it is posssible to show kids the tragic side of history. The Diary of Anne Frank deals with a horrifying tragedy and does it well. But should someone turn Anne Frank into a musical with cutesy talking animals (maybe the concentration camp rats or lice)? Should the story be rewritten so Anne is a sexpot with a miniskirt who falls in love with an SS man? That is pretty much what Disney did, to its shame. I would sooner let my kids see porno than expose them to this ugly racist lie which masquerades as an anti-racist movie.

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Whale hunting #17043

    Andrew, the difference between the sensational horrors you list and the Makah Bay tradition is that the Indians are not harming any people. The ritual is also largely practical as well. The single whale they killed supplied food for the entire tribal nation for 3-4 months. It should also be obvious that if you're not a vegetarian, you're a hypocrite for this criticism. One last point: Tribes are sovereign nations. If you are not a citizen, you have no say in what they do. This is a tradition that will be up to the Makah Bay people to decide whether to continue.

    User Detail :  

    Name : A.C.C., Race : Mexican and American Indian, City : W Lafayette, State : IN Country : United States, Occupation : Grad student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, 
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