Reply To: Lice-less black people?



There are 2 main reasons that black people tend not to get lice – we can get them. most black people have very course, thick hair. It is next to impossible for lice to move around in, and completely impossible for them to lay eggs in. the other reason is the difference in the oils that our hair produce. Many Black people don’t wash thier hair daily, instead many was from every other day to every few months. Daily washing causes damage to our hair, so their tends to be an oil build-up that makes matters worse for lice. there are some exceptions – some black people have very fine hair, and yes they can get lice. also some people who have pressed hair can get lice as well.

User Detail :  

Name : marty22172, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Age : 26, City : raleigh, State : NC, Country : United States, Occupation : computer geek, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,