Reply To: Racial divide at first job



Try looking at yourself from your employer’s perspective. How many ‘credibility maintenance miracles’ have you performed? There are two ways to go here: 1. You have not demonstrated your self judged superiority. 2. You really are just plain dumb. As an employer I only discriminate on performance, not gender or race. I have sacked plenty of white underperformers and promoted non whites and vice versa. Stop moaning and start working! As for your MBA, if you really want one, got to the rest room and tear one of the conveniently provided roll therein. Results, attitude and loyalty count for more than qualifications. If you have a problem talk to your boss, and if that dosn’t work, talk to their boss!

User Detail :  

Name : Wal, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Disability : honest, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 43, City : Phnom Penh, State : NA, Country : Cambodia, Occupation : Company Director, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,