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  • in reply to: Not a weighty issue for black guys? #36228

    Unfortunately, a lot of black guys like light skin. White skin is, most of the time, considered the ideal. It's only natural for them growing up in a society with white images everywhere they turn. A dark-skinned black woman of a heavy weight in most cases would not be desired by black men. So I think that it is not necessarily your weight they are attracted to, although it is partly, but it is your skin color, your straight hair and your fine features.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Sex with black women #43981

    My teacher, who is also Jewish, said that in Europe, Jewish men are considered to be TOO sexual, while over here in the United States, Jewish men are considered sexual pansies - in other words, not sexual at all. These types of stereotypes are, like you said, more or less universal among the ignorant.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Ebonics and lazy speech #45435

    It's hard to believe that you've supposedly lived in a black environment all of your life and you don't get Ebonics. It kind of makes me doubt that people of other races could ever understand something that one race goes through, if you've been around us all of your life and still can't understand. But I'm gonna keep hope alive!

    To give a summary, I'm a black woman who has grown up in a black environment all my life. Except that my mother went to white schools growing up and therefore never spoke Ebonics, and neither did I. I also went to white private schools growing up. However, I try to learn Ebonics as much as I can. This is because Ebonics is black. It shows others that you are black and not afraid of being black. It's something that is culturally our own. Every race needs something, some ritual, some way of speaking that is their own. That is why every race alters the English language just a bit: to make it identifiably theirs. And that is not limited to races. East Coast white people speak differently from West Coasters. Southern white people speak real different, as well as Southern black people. Asian people and Hispanic and Indian and Native American people all have their own versions. Ebonics shows that you are down with your race, because only people of your race actually know the meaning of your slang vocabulary.

    I also have to disagree that we are equal, but as you have, I'll save it for another post. However, as for it holding black people back: to an extent, it has. We all need to speak 'proper' English because it is universally understood. It's used in business, taught as a foreign language, etc. But some black people aren't taught well enough in schools how to speak 'proper' English. I've been to private and public schools and can attest to that. Some of the public schools weren't challenging at all, and the teachers did not care if someone failed or skipped a class or whatever. My mom made sure I did well in school. I think parents should have more of a stake in their kids' education. But it's like a cycle. The parent is not educated well, so the kid doesn't become well-educated. It's very complicated. Ebonics is not the culprit. We should, need and deserve to have our unique slang. The education system is the culprit for not teaching some black kids the proper way well enough.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: NYC segregated? #16384

    DAN the MAN- You Go Boy! You said everything so eloquently!

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Is acne a turn-off? #43250

    I'm not attracted to Acne. But if a person has many other attributes that i like, i'm not going to not like him just because he has acne. I've liked many guys who have had acne. sometimes you just don't notice it that much because it is just a light sprinkle. basicly, if a guy can make me laugh, is friendly, self-confident(MAJOR), and has similar views on certain issues as me(DOUBLE MAJOR), i'm going to like him whether he is fat, skinny, has acne, doesn't, is any race, whatever... initial physical attractiveness? if your acne is really bad, some people might be turned off, initially. We are tres (very) ignorant when first meeting people. We have been culturally conditioned to act that way. Anyway, your special qualities should outweigh attractiveness anyday. Attractiveness fades, especially if you are a jerk. Attractiveness also changes, one day one race may not be considered attractive, the next day they are, one body type is not considered attractive, the next day it is...

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Black Humor #38178

    I think it is because if you've seen an older (maybe 40 and up) WASP white person trying to make friends, they sometimes act very nice and have certain gestures like that head rock thing when they're saying, 'How are you?' and a big smile on their face. About whites being goody two-shoes, it's because blacks are more violent when it comes to things like disciplining kids and whupping someone's a** for stepping on your Jordans. Stereotypically, whites never spank their terrible two, Tony, who just punched that nice little redhead girl. They tell him to have a timeout in the corner. A black parent would light Tony up like a Christmas tree. Comedians like to portray stereotypes because it gets a laugh because we usually can relate to it.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Being Black not a Handicap! #47244

    First, I think that because you are in an area with a lot of blacks around, you are going to notice a higher proportion of blacks doing things like that. Second, white people and those of other races do the same thing. Third, if the person, no matter what nationality, has a handicapped sticker, it means they are handicapped. My mother is almost 50 but looks like she's 30 and 100 percent healthy. But she only has 40 percent heart capacity. Where we can absorb 100 percent of the oxygen we breathe, she can absorb only 40 percent. She doesn't have much energy and must take long naps. You don't have to be outwardly handicapped to be handicapped.

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    Name : Yuna, Gender : F, Age : 17, City : Queens, State : NY Country : United States, 
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