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  • in reply to: reparations? Why? #25466

    The reparations issue is very complexed. I think reparations should be explored because of the legacy of Slavery and Jim Crow still exist. For example I am 29 years old my father is from Mississippi and as a child at times it was forbidden for him to do certain things and going to school was one of them. He went to school sporadically so his education level while not totally inadequate as a child when I needed help with my home work there was nowhere to turn. The next point is that Black people were brain washed during slavery. Community building was forbidden for the newly arrived slaves and families were most often separated and slowly but they mantality of the slave master became imposed on the slave. That may be the reason why many balck people believe that whooping or beatings will make people behave It worked during slavery it worked during Jim Crow and alot of Police think it works now. Last point The Federal Government thought that the mistreatment of Black people was terrible and to fix that some one proposed Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action was a good idea but Instead of helping the Black people who were the catalyst for the civil rights struggle who were and still are being lynched raped murdered and mistreated in the most brutal ways the added language to dilute its effect like politicians usually do. They replaced Black with minorities to include white women so now if a white man wants to get an Affirmative Action contract then their wife becomes the business owner over night. We were never repaired we were never addressed honestly people have historically accused us of whinning about our treatment but if we dont say it how else would you know? I suggest you study the institution of slavery and Jim Crow It effected my parents their parents and every generation before that whom were enslaved; It effects me my siblings my generation and generations to come. Some ask why are we disfunctional I say because we were made that way. P.S. This is my opinion and in no way represents the Black community as a whole.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Reggie30124, City : Columbus, State : OH Country : United States, 
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