Paul S.

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  • in reply to: Reply To: What’s a chode? #45434

    Paul S.
    The area between the scrotum and the anus is called the TAINT, or technically the perineum. WTF is a choda?

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Why do they call me nigga? #30085

    Paul S.
    That would all depend on who 'THEY' are. With black people, and apparently Puerto Ricans in NYC, it is generally a term of endearment.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Bright-colored suits on black men #32466

    Paul S.
    Why is it that White men dress in bland colors befitting their drone status?

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Size expectations #37721

    Paul S.
    Those are the breaks, Tiger. While there are women of all different tastes, many women prefer well endowed men. Why they feel the necessity to publically lie about it is beyond me. I think that girls are taught by their mothers to say that size doesn't matter. Anywho, most women like money, good looks, and big shlongs. Don't let anyone feed you a bunch of crap concerning women liking you for you. The world isn't fair.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: No black hockey or punk music fans? #37871

    Paul S.
    I was listening to The Clash before you were born. Green Day, Good Charlotte, etc ... are NOT punk. They are MTV wankers who are afraid to say anything really punk for fear of getting 'Dixie Chicked' and losing their coveted spot on freaking TRL. NoFX are the closet thing to punk today. While I'm of the opinion that hockey sucks maximum *ss, my brother loves it and plays on an amateur league team. There are also Black people who like country and classical music. Albeit, there has always been a subtext of racism inherent in country music. FYI ... Black people invented rock music. If you don't believe me ask Jimi Page or Keith Richards ... I would say Joe Strummer, but he's no longer with us.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Why do white women go down like that? #40944

    Paul S.
    You are correct about the first part. White girls have a very casual attitude toward giving head. Many young White girls don't even consider it sex anymore. It's the equivalent of a hand-job from my generation. On the other hand, I can tell you from personal experience that Sistahs give much head. They may not shout it from the roof-tops the way White girls do, but they do it. As to the baby thing ... that's sickening, though I'm sure the little boy wouldn't mind.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Blacks and watermelon, chicken #45457

    Paul S.
    This is the stupidest stereotype imaginable. The reason is simple. Most Black people came up from the south when Henry Ford started paying any man, be he Black or White, $5 per day. Southerners generally eat more fried chicken and watermelon than your average Northerner. Chickens and watermelons are grown in the south. Simple. I've yet to figure out why the consumption of foul and fruit is bad.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Using “a” at the end of the n-word #46936

    Paul S.
    There is no difference where you are concerned. Either pronunication will get you stomped. You should ponder the various ways to say 'dude' and leave this one alone.

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    Name : Paul S., City : Southfield, State : MI Country : United States, 
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