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  • in reply to: New Yorkers and rudeness #24755

    I feel the media overhypes New Yorkers being rude and unfriendly. I just think that it is a VERY busy city and people don't really have time to stop and smell the roses. Everyone is moving at such a fast pace, I think a lot of times people from some other parts of the country mistake that for rudeness. When you are in a very competitive atmosphere, you tend to be a little more anxious to get things done. My first visit to New York, I didn't really have any major problems. I enjoyed the city so much now I want to relocate there. New Yorkers will help you if you need to ask for directions or anything of that nature, BUT they just have a lot to do and they are in a hurry to do it. So don't expect for them to sit a spell and have a long conversation with you.

    User Detail :  

    Name : P., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Non-Denominational, Age : 29, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Fearful whites #32894

    Matthew, I just wanted to say you are a straight up hypocrite.I saw you post something else on another topic concerning gay people. You went off on someone who was obviously making homophobic comments.You basically said they had no right to judge gay people and they should be more tolerant of others that are different. WHY AREN'T YOU DOING THAT???As someone who is a gay, African-American male I find your comments about black men disturbing. I do not have bad hygiene, engage in aggressive talk and I CERTAINLY do not dress badly!!!!Have you ever thought that maybe the reason why you are treated badly by some black men is because of the way you are treating them?? It could be your stereotypical approach.Someone who is gay should know how it is to be judged by society and shouldn't be quick to judge someone else.I cannot believe you have this attitude. It just boggles my mind. What is it with you and why do we have this problem of racism in the gay community?

    User Detail :  

    Name : P., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Non-Denominational, Age : 29, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Reply To: Picking and choosing from the Bible #43166

    To Amanda,You shouldn't take ANYTHING by face value, INCLUDING THE BIBLE!!! This book was written over 2,000 years ago and some of the passages that people claim to be talking about homosexuality is completely untrue. The word 'homosexual' didn't even exist until a certain century (I believe it was the 15th or 16th century). I am not trying to down the bible, but you have to remember who is INTERPRETING the bible for all of these years. This person or persons could be prejudiced against blacks, women, gays, etc. It is just like playing a game where someone tells one person something and by the time it gets back to the tenth or fifthteenth person, it is totally different from the original message.People try to use the bible for the argument against interracial dating/marriage, condoning of slavery, opression of women, the list goes on and on.The important thing to remember about the bible is that if one TRULY studies it, it has to be done from a HISTORICAL CONTEXT!!! One cannot pick and choose what they think is wrong and judge others for it!!!Too many people try to use the bible for their own personal prejudices. The sad part about that is, it is 'so-called' Christians who do most of the judging. Then they will say I don't hate the sinner, I just hate the sin, which is full of crap.Also, there was another message on this topic concerning that it wasn't proven that homosexuality was genetic. That is also a myth. Sexual Orientation is determined from the time a child is in the womb. There have been many studies that have proven a certain gland in the brain of gay men and lesbians is different than that of a heterosexual person. So NO ONE chooses to be gay or straight, you just go with what you are dealt. If you don't believe me, type MSN HEALTH in your search engine and click on 'sexuality' or 'sexual orientation' and read the study.To me, it doesn't make sense for some people to say that God says homosexuality is a sin. Sin is the conscious CHOICE to do wrong!! Homosexuality is NOT A CHOICE, it is a fact of life and people need to realize that.Think about it, why would God say okay its a sin, BUT at the same time you cannot control who you are attracted to. I don't see God doing that to anyone.Bottom line, I think some people need to take a good look at themselves before they THINK they know the bible.

    User Detail :  

    Name : P., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Non-Denominational, Age : 29, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 
    in reply to: Reply To: Fearful whites #47002

    Oh yeah Matthew, the post you were responding to was from someone named Monique. Its not cool to be judged, it is Matthew. Remember that when you encounter African-American men on the streets and you look at them as street thugs. Just think about what Monique said about gay people. Click on the topic, 'why does gay affection bother some straights' and you will see the comments Monique made and the response you gave.Matthew, it just isn't cool, how can you call somebody out for being homophobic when you have a prejudical attitude toward black males, what have they done to you?

    User Detail :  

    Name : P., Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Non-Denominational, Age : 29, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, Education level : 4 Years of College, 
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