This has been a very telling exchange. Seldom since I have been reading this forum have so many racist views come spewing onto the page. Like the rest of my family, I’ve always been an animal lover who supports anti-cruelty organisations, acted as a caretaker for abused or abandoned domestic animals, and worked hard to get people to avoid products from corporations that engage in the torture of animals. I’ve rescued numerous animals and hope to help as many more as I can. This even includes ‘unpopular’ pets like domestic rats. I am also a law-abiding brown-skinned woman who has been arrested and humilated by racist cops (while driving my own Jeep — lawfully) who felt I ‘must have stolen it because ‘we’ don’t drive that kind of car’. This was while I still lived in the US. Make no mistake: People do NOT have to be criminals to be mistreated or murdered by military or police officials. While this abuse is most often heaped on people of colour, it does happen to nearly ALL kinds of people, and any fair-minded person knows this. How dare anybody advocate cruelty to people OR animals, or justify one on the basis of the other? Both are shameful, and so are the people whose prejudices have been exposed here.