Reply To: Upper middle class ignoring lowest class relatives



I’m middle class, not upper middle class, but I’m better off than most of my relatives. I believe that in this country, if you work hard, you’ll get noticed. Yeah, sometimes it helps to ‘know somebody’, but this isn’t the norm. The vast majority of those who are successful got to where they are because of hard work and a belief that they can succedd. There are some who have the mentality that they have no control over their lives or that there’s not use of trying to improve their circumstances because they’ll only be held down by ‘the man’. As for lending money to economically lower-class relatives, I guess it would depend on what the money’s for.

User Detail :  

Name : JR21132, Gender : M, Race : Black/African American, Age : 33, City : Franklin, State : VA, Country : United States, Occupation : Systems Analyst, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,