It seems fairly narcissistic to think that the salon workers speaking their native language has anything to do with you. That a person speaks in a language other than English does not necessarily mean they are unable to speak English; perhaps they simply choose not to. Further, I find it disturbing that you assume that a person speaking another language, or perhaps with an accent, is not American. Status as an ‘American’ is a legal designation, not a linguistic or vernacular one. Perhaps you feel slighted because you feel that the salons that you’ve patronized have not provided the customer service that you would appreciate. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but when you connect this dissatisfaction with the language that the technicians opt to use, your concerns come across as petty and narrow-minded. If you really find the staff not speaking to you and instead conversing with each other problematic, perhaps you should try begining a dialogue with them – it always works for me.