Being a black suburban female, I am constantly being called ‘stuck up’. I am married so it’s much easier for me these days, but previously, I had such a difficult time with these ‘stuck up’ accusations. I have dated guys from all different classes…honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. Unfortunately, your class has an influence on so many things…your life experiences, your world view, etc. I feel confident saying that most women want a guy to approach her with respect and sincerity. I don’t want to make stereotypes or prejudices, but I am usually able to determine a guy’s ‘class’ by the way he approaches me or other women. ‘What up shawty’ doesn’t work with me. I tend to ignore it. Just because I am black doesn’t mean I don’t want proper English, roses and expensive dinners. If I were single, I would expect a worthwhile guy to approach me with an introduction and an invite to a proper date. That’s not to say that lower- or middle-class guys are incapable of doing this. That’s not to say all middle- and lower-class males say ‘what up shawty.’ It’s just that my experiences have been that they approach upper-class females the same way they would the females from their neighborhoods and it just doesn’t work. It would be the same scenario if an upper-class male tried to approach a lower-class female. She probably wouldn’t give him the time of day. We aren’t stuck up. We just have different expectations and if you don’t respect them, then of course we won’t want to talk to you. If you can’t respect us from day one, what makes you think that we could ever trust you to respect us later on?