Reply To: Smoke Weed but Don’t Read



I can’t think of any educated person that I feel threatened by, solely because they are black. I feel threatened by any person who tries to lord their education over me, or tries to make me feel subordinate to them because of their authority or social status. —- Here are some educated black people that I work with and how I feel about them: —- <> Senior Executive black person – Feels very strongly about his race/culture. Works especially hard to give opportunities to other black people, and gives lectures at local elementary schools. He often uses the phrase that black people need to ‘represent,’ especially when speaking at elementary schools. He gets very angry when things don’t go his way, and especially when he feels another employee has made him ‘look bad.’ I think anyone would get upset if someone made them look bad, but he gets upset at things like someone not proof reading a letter he wrote well enough, and missed one of his spelling errors. This gives me the impression that he is arrogant, and combined with his desire to ‘represent,’ I feel that his arrogance is based in his ethnic/racial pride. —- I feel threatened by this educated black man because it is hard to get along or even please someone who thinks that arrogance and pride are their innate right. —- <> High ranking law enforcement black person – I get along with this person very well because he seems to treat me as an equal. When I disappoint him, he doesn’t assume it’s because of his race, he just thinks I screwed up. This person is comfortable with the idea that he is expert in some areas that I am not, and I am expert in areas that he is not. —- I do not feel threatened by this educated black person because he treats others the way he expects to be treated. He doesn not lord his position, authority, or education over me.

User Detail :  

Name : Ben22574, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Pagan, Age : 32, City : Sacramento, State : CA, Country : United States, Occupation : Computer Tech, Education level : Less than High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class,