Reply To: What do you think of black women?



I for one am very open. There are some very attractive women out there of all races. Although I do tend to find myself attracted to darker women. Albeit latinas, black, asian, indian (native too), and middle eastern. Although being too dark is a turn off. From what I see here on a major university campus is that black women tend to stay with black guys. They are not only loud, but rude, obnoxious, and ghetto. To find a a lighter colored black woman with intelligence, a little quieter, and a little more sophistication is very hard. I think though that they come here on scolarships for poorer minorities. They converse in ebonics. There are some black girls that I would really like to ask out, but because of what I stated above I don’t.

User Detail :  

Name : Jon27114, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Catholic, Age : 27, City : Chicago, State : IL, Country : United States, Occupation : graduating student, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,