There are 2 sorts of female circumcision (FGM), one of which is pharaonic (I don’t know what the other type is called.) Pharaonic FGM is when the whole of the clitoris is removed and the woman has her vagina sewn up, with just a small whole left for urine and menstrual blood – this is not practiced in Egypt, but is by some women in Sudan. Some people wrongly believe that Islam states women should be circumcised – this is not true, and Al Azhar has ruled that it is not obligatory under Islamic law – women in Saudi Arabia are not circumcised. In Egypt it is now illegal for a doctor to circumcise a woman, but, as with most other things, if the price is right … In the villages the ‘operation’ is performed by a ‘midwife’. Generally women are considered unclean if they haven’t been circumcised, or some believe an uncircumcised woman will have an uncontrollable sex drive. Many girls have died from this procedure, but some of the more enlightened village families are choosing not to circumcise their daughters. Upper class families tend not to have their daughters circumcised. This practice is seen as a woman’s issue, it is the mothers and grandmothers that circumcise their daughters and granddaughters.