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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #14447

    are you obese or are you just overweight? If you are obese then you should go to the doctor and see if he could talk to your mother? If you are just overweight you can do excersises at home, try doing weights, because they are very effective. women get scared because they think they'll bulk up but that only happens if you have as much testosterone as a guy or if you specifically have a very high protein intake (impossible on a normal diet) or if you take steroids. So it is impossible for you to bulk up. You do have to be carefull when excercising because people assume you don't have to watch what you eat, the bad thing is when you excercise you get hungry and end up eating more, when really you just need more water. (drink at least six glasses a day) other than that, ignore what kids say. DO well at school: it's the best revenge. When you have your high paid job, and your freedom, you can join a gym and get a personal fitness trainer. Going through tough times will give you more character when you enter the world, just remember to remain strong and confident. If you need help on how to excercise try some websites, a good one is http://www.jorgecruise.com/ good luck and keep your head up.

    User Detail :  

    Name : katie26697, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), Age : 30, City : ny, State : NY Country : United States, Social class : Lower middle class, 
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