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  • in reply to: Japanese obsessed with whites? #14795

    Do anime characters really look white? With the exception of the big eyes, all anime charaters seem to have japanese features. BigRound head, spikyhair, small nose, and small mouth. As for the hair color, the anime characters seem to have it all(pink, blue, purple). I don't know any white people with those colors. Getting back to the 'big eyes' of anime characters, it seems so unjapanese to have characters with big eyes. But then if you really start to think about it, even characters drawn by american cartoonist have eyes that are proportionally bigger than real humans. I think the big eyes are really an attempt to hyper-eccentualize(sp?) child-like features in the anime characters. Hyper-eccentualiaztion is done every where. Think of barbie, barbie could not exist in real life with her measurements. But her features are hyper-eccentualized to make her more appealing to little girls. And anyone who knows japan knows that they have a huge lolita complex(child porn wasn't illegal until only a few years ago!). they try to make everything cute and child-like and the big eyed anime charaters help with that. As for Japanese wanting to be white, I think they want to be whatever other people think is cool. They are very much into fads. Hip-hop and black culture is really big over there with girls getting dreds and dressing like lil kim. Its quite hideos(sp?). Also, I think it would be more accurate to say that they wanna be more american like(black & white). But Japan isn't the only one guilty of this. Go to western europe, east europe, s. america and everyone wants to be american. There are irish boys thinking they're black and rapping and russians heavy metal bands. Everyone loves our movies and music. I've seen quite a few animes that have brown skinned characters, but it would be correct to say that there aren't many. I would also agree that there is large number of characters with blonde hair. Lets face it, nothing compares with the blond-blue eyed look. Even other whites who have dark hair and hazel (really just brown) eyes like the blond hair/blue eyed look. So, I don't think it should be surprising that they have quite a few blonde hair and blue eyed anime characters. Lastly, I think they are actually racist towards all their blonde anime characters. They are disproportionately made out to be these big clumsy friendly idiots or evil plotting bad guys. They never seem to have any redeeming qualities. At least blonde jokes aren't big japan yet.

    User Detail :  

    Name : jake21072, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 27, City : seattle, State : WA Country : United States, Occupation : it field, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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