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  • in reply to: There goes the neighborhood? #40517

    Neighborhoods do not necessarily deteriorate when black people move in. Any community will suffer a decline when people feel compelled to move out, which generally happens when a few black people move into a 'white' neighborhood. As black people replace those people, the place becomes generally stigmatized, even if the neighborhood is still aesthetically pleasing and a nice place to live. It becomes a 'black' neighborhood, where crime is expected to dwell (even if it doesn't). Eventually, the good, hard-working folks move out because they either don't like living a stigmatized area (some black people don't like living next to other black people) or they want to live somewhere else. Because property values have unduly plummeted, who's left to take up the slack but the ne'er-do-wellers who give all poor neighborhoods a bad name? Thus, it's not black people, but the flight of money and work ethic, that causes a community's downfall. But this scenerio doesn't always happen, especially when a neighborhood is a mixed income one. There are a lot of all-black and integrated neighborboods that are just as nice as lily-white ones. And there are plenty of white ones that are less than desirable.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Tish24631, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, City : Newark, State : NJ Country : United States, Occupation : Full time graduate student, 
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