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  • in reply to: Why are black girls so difficult? #14011

    All people can be difficult, regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. All white women aren't nice, polite and considerate, and all black women aren't rude and difficult. It isn't fair to generalize based on race. Since you are a black male, I'm sure there are black women in your family, right? Would you consider them rude and difficult?

    I feel it is better to look at the individual and not make judgments of a particular race or gender based on your limited experiences with them. Doesn't it upset you when women say 'All men are dogs'? I have dated men of different races and backgrounds, and although there are some unsavory characters out there, I choose not to fault men as a whole for my bad choices. Don't let your misconceptions and bad experiences hinder you from meeting a nice woman. I've found that when forming relationships, it' better to start off with an open mind and clean slate and grow from there. It's only fair to you and the other person.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Thai, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : African/Latina, Age : 24, City : Annapolis, State : MD Country : United States, Social class : Upper middle class, 
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