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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #17048

    Olivia - my heart goes out to you! Just remember , if the only thing people can think of to criticize about you is your weight, you must be a pretty cool chick! Unfortunately, our society places way too much importance on what's outside, instead of what's inside. Can you ask your brothers what they've done to lose the weight? At 15, you're still growing, so you may lose some of it as you reach 18, without much effort. I know you feel like you have no choice, but here's some things you can try - 1) Never empty your plate, always leave something, or if your Mom insists you finish everything, take smaller portions. Also, I used to tell people I wasn't hungry or I didn't like what they offered because I was a very picky eater(I wasn't really, I just said that whenever relatives or friends offered unhealthy snacks). 2) Exercise - always choose the stairs over escalators and elevators whenever possible. Do you spend time alone in your room? You could do sit-ups or push-ups, who would know? When I was your age, I used to put on music and dance in my room - my parents didn't care as long as it wasn't too loud. Good Luck to you, hope this helps!

    User Detail :  

    Name : Susan27493, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 38, City : Canoga Park, State : CA Country : United States, 
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