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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #44104

    I am not sure what you mean that you are unable to exercise because of your mother's rules. Does she oppose you playing soccer or other sports? Is it possible to sit down, and reason with your mother, saying that you feel uncomfortable about your weight and would like to become more physically active? Even bicycling for 1 hour a day will help. Can you talk to your doctor about a program that would cut down your calories, and make you physically more active? If that is not going to work, you can try to tell her that just as smoking and drinking are dishonouring to the Lord, it is also dishonouring to the Lord to be overweight. (It shortens your life, and is not healthy.)

    User Detail :  

    Name : Ronald-V29466, Gender : M, Religion : Christian, Age : 50, City : Edmonton, State : NA Country : Canada, Social class : Middle class, 
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