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  • in reply to: Black kids calling names #27204

    I've noticed that, in general, African Americans refer to color in all situations - not just abusive ones. Whenever a black guy comes on to me on the street, he will always refer to race, i.e. 'hey pretty white girl' or 'you're the sexiest Caucasion women i've ever seen,' etc. It's weird. I've never had Latinos call me 'blanca' or 'gringa.' Also, when interacting with each other, African Americans often use lots of race-conscious words such as 'chocolate,' 'cocoa' or 'ebony,' even if a description of the person is not necessary.

    To directly address your point, African Americans do operate on the false notion that racism can only come from those in the majority, and that any racially based hostility from them is somehow OK and does not affect the recipient. I think over the next few years there will be a huge backlash as whites and other groups get sick of the racial double standards and stop being so extra-sensitive to others perceiving them as racist.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Paula19817, Gender : F, City : Boston, State : MA Country : United States, 
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