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  • in reply to: Why no African Americans at office party? #19194

    I think that no African Americans came to your party because blacks don't party like white folks. I noticed at my company's Christmas party that although about 150 employees of all races showed up, only the blacks really got into the dancing. And even then, they only danced when the music had some 'soul' to it. At first, a few whites joined them in the dancing, but there was no mistaking that blacks were the majority race on the dance floor. When the rock and pop songs played, the blacks basically left the floor, but no more whites came on. Soon there was literally no one on the dance floor. But when more R&B music played, the blacks came back out in a crowd, but with fewer of the whites who had been dancing before. So don't take it personally; blacks and whites often don't have the same tastes in music, and their ideas on what makes a fun party often differ as well. Blacks in your company have probably been to (or heard about) one of your office parties before and decided they have better places to go. My advice for your next party is to have everyone RSVP so that you know how many will be attending. That way, you won't over-cater. And another thing: if attending the office party is important to career advancement in your company, your promotions policy is not as fair as you would like to think. Coming to an office party is voluntary. Attending a party has nothing to do with job performance or promotion. Would you skip over a productive, white employee's promotion just because he or she decided to go to a more fun party than yours?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Missjohn316, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Afro-Caribbean, Religion : Christian, Age : 29, City : Washington, State : DC Country : United States, Occupation : Administrative Assistant, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Middle class, 
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