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  • in reply to: Nazi Germans vs. WW II Japanese Aggression #26464

    I haven't thought about this too much, and I can't even begin to speculate why Americans would have a problem with this, but my embryonic understanding of Japanese culture would indicate that the Japanese themselves barely recognize what their government did in those countries (unlike in Germany, where folks are not allowed to forget all the gory details, though many choose to deny it nonetheless). To discuss WWII in Japan brings tension in a society where harmony is always supposed to reign, and to denounce what previous governments did in the past would be like dishonoring their ancestors. Either way, it is extremely shameful. I get the idea they would rather pretend it never happened. And since the victims, such as the Korean women who were forced to become sex slaves of Japanese soldiers, apparently didn't have the same kind of people fighting for their cause after the war the way Jewish leaders have fought so hard for recognition of the Holocaust (which might have otherwise been covered up and forgotten) and its victims, they were ignored and forgotten ... until recently. But maybe the U.S. government ignores it because they can; and also for the same reasons it ignores human rights abuses in China and formerly in Indonesia (East Timor was ignored for what, 20 years?)- to maintain harmonic trade relations. That's the bottom line. As a result, the public is perhaps less informed about the events that actually occurred. I know I am.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Mary, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 28, City : Kanazawa, State : NA Country : Japan, Occupation : English Teacher, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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