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  • in reply to: Strong-smelling after-shave on African Americans #41655

    I'm kind of surprised that you think of this as an African-American characteristic. In my experience,almost all male cologne wearers use way too much--you can smell them coming for blocks. Many women overdo the scent as well, but not to the extent that men do.

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    Name : Lynne, Gender : F, City : Gainesville, State : FL Country : United States, 
    in reply to: Indians don’t punish kids? #45318

    Are you talking here about the same inconsiderate Indian family in your building that you mentioned in your other post? I assume that you are, because you give no other source for your knowlege of Indians as parents. You said in that one that everyone in that family is loud and inconsiderate, and all of their guests, adults and kids, are too. Well, think about it. You don't like being around these people because of their obnoxious ways. Why would Indians who are quiet and believe that children should be well-behaved feel any different than you do? Your loud and rude neighbors have loud and rude friends because they're loud and rude, not because loudness and rudeness are more characteristic of Indians. I'll bet that if your neighbors have American guests, those people are also rude. And I really don't think that you can generalize about any group as parents. I wonder how much you get out in public or what you focus on when you're there if you don't notice that there are a lot of poorly behaved children around. I have a public service job in a workplace that is frequented by a broad range of people who vary across whatever spectrum you choose to look at--age, race, religion, ethnic background, income. And in the course of a day, I run across a lot of children behaving badly, and a lot of parents responding ineffectively or not at all. And if I drew conclusions about groups of people based on misbehaving children, you know who I would say are parents who don't discipline? White parents, Black parents, Indian parents, Non-Indian Asian parents, gay parents, straight parents, teenage parents, older parents, parents with tattoos, parents who are professionals, blue-collar parents, Eastern European parents, born-again Christian parents, and any other kind of parents. And of course, there are parents in all those groups whose children do behave well in public and are corrected when they don't.

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    Name : Lynne, Gender : F, City : Gainesville, State : FL Country : United States, 
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