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  • in reply to: Do lesbians bother straight women? #40083

    I don't feel threatened or offended by a woman being lesbian. I view her as a woman first, and her sexuality poses no threat to me. Only her personality could do such, and that has nothing to do with her being gay. Generally speaking, I don't feel women are as threatened by lesbians as men are by gays. I think it has a lot to do with women being discriminated against and being considered second-class, so we have never experienced feeling like the 'superior majority' ( as men do). I also think the double standards in our society between lesbians and gays have an incredible impact on who feels threatened/offended. We live in a society in which men are supposed to be and viewed as strong, smart and emotionally solid, and the awful stereotype is that gay men are the complete opposite of the 'ideal man.' Women are supposed to be feminine, attractive, soft-spoken and distinctly emotional, and a lesbian woman can be viewed as such as long as she's not the 'butchy,' unattractive stereotype of a lesbian woman. I think women may be more threatened by the latter stereotype than they would the pretty blonde next door. There's also the stereotype that lesbians are sexually confused or sexual deviants, so perhaps some women feel more at ease because they figure, 'She's finding herself' or 'She's confused.' No matter the reason, it's all about a person's self-confidence, and I am completely confident with the person I am as a whole. Who cares who you sleep with and love or what sex they are? Now, how many people you're sleeping with might pose a problem...

    User Detail :  

    Name : Lisa22799, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, City : Gaithersburg, State : MD Country : United States, 
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