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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #17411

    I have a lot of sympathy with you. I've was teased about my weight all through primary and intermediate school (when I was between 7 and 12). I started dieting when I was 8, and yoyo dieted for the next 20 years. After 20 years I realised I would never be able to keep the weight off and stopped dieting, despite still being told I should diet, I should just have more will power, I just have to 'really want to lose the weight'. Weight is still an issue for me. There are more people saying now that it's better for people's health to concentrate on setting up a moderate, healthy eating and excersize plan that you can maintain for life. That includes keeping away from rigid, restrictive diets and not letting yourself stay hungry. Suggesting some changes towards healthier foods might be accepted by your mother more that pushing dieting. I wonder if your mother is worried about you going on restrictive diets. My main suggestion though is don't diet, it doesn't work long term.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Jenny30928, Gender : F, Age : 38, City : Wellington, State : NA Country : New Zealand, Social class : Lower middle class, 
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