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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #22318

    Maybe you should go to see your doctor and have him or her talk to you mother about the health risks associated with obesity. With the doctors orders of 'more exercise' and 'less fatty food' she may change her rules. If that doesn't work, couldn't you do more sports at school? Are there any after-school programs that involve physical exertion? Could you maybe walk home from school instead of taking the bus? Do you have any neighbors that have dogs that you could walk? Try to do stuff that your mom will not consider 'exercise' but that will help you to burn calories. Also, at the dinner table, you should fill your plate with low-fat items instead of nothing at all so that she doesn't think you're dieting and give you mounds of fatty foods. Maybe you could even volunteer to cook dinner a couple of nights a week to 'help out' so you can all eat something healthy and low fat. I wish you well.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Jay31090, City : New York, State : NY Country : United States, 
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