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  • in reply to: Obese teens who don’t have a choice #35642

    Do you mean to say your mother won't allow you to exercise? If that's the case, perhaps there's a gym teacher or counselor at your school that can help you devise a plan to overcome that. As far as the boneheads who stare and make comments: there's nothing you can do to change their stupid behavior, and although it may be hard, you can choose to ignore them. Does your mother force you to eat everything on your plate? You can choose smaller portions of whatever it is she cooks, and that will help. Notice how I keep using the word 'choose'? You have choices, even if it seems as if you don't. If your two brothers lost their excess weight, you can too!

    User Detail :  

    Name : ED25469, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 46, City : Kansas City, State : MO Country : United States, 
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