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  • in reply to: America trying to get rid of Mexicans? #42101

    If I broke into your home and lived there for the last five years, would you be christian enough to say its mine or would you 'start crap' with me?? After all 'God did make all land for everyone!' People, people...boundaries are a good thing and even the Bible says in many words to respect and honour your neighbor, never use, abuse or try to take over your neighbors property. The fact that you are here legally that great - you respect the laws of this land. If you are here illegally - it would be really dumb for Americans - not to 'Start Crap' with you! - Hey - I'm an asian - here Legally - and I would start crap with you!!!

    User Detail :  

    Name : Daryl19787, Gender : M, Race : Asian, Age : 30, City : Fort Worth, State : TX Country : United States, 
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