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  • in reply to: Why no African Americans at office party? #44249

    Hopefully you are trying to make sure that your black employees are treated fairly because it is the right thing to do not because it is a 'requirement' 'by law.' Secondly even though you gave out notice well in advance maybe on that night of your party they had other pressing engaments like with Church, family, school or with there children. There are so many reasons why they may have missed out. They might not have had someone to watch the kids or had school events to attend if it bothers you that much maybe in a casual way when you are talking to your employees try to find out what the reason why they did not show up. Maybe next time do a office poll to find out what night would be best and what time to start and end then aim for a time that is good for most people after all you can not please everyone! Another thing you could do is talk to the people that came and asked them for there honest opinion about what they enjoyed and did not enjoy or what could have been done to make it better! Try to get the people involved and ask them what games or food they would like to have and also what would they like for entertainment. Just some suggestions and maybe the next party will go better P.S. people should be rewarded for work done well not for attending an office party!!!

    User Detail :  

    Name : D31787, Gender : M, Race : Black/African American, Age : 25, City : Nap, State : IN Country : United States, Social class : Middle class, 
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