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  • in reply to: Black views on Hispanics #28779

    We (African Americans) don't have a problem with Hispanics immigrating as long as the following criteria are met: 1) Please check in at the door. As in come into the country by legal means and register yourself. This is a must for properity, safety, and security of everyone involved. 2) Please understand the economics here. We are a capitalist, free market economy based on trade. Therefore, there have to be enough jobs, food and social services to go around, You cannot just add people to the nation when theyre aren't the resources to provide for everyone. 3) Please understand you aren't the only people immigrating here. I don't understand why Mexicans feel they deserve special treatment over all other peoples. Refugees from other 'poor' countries such as Nigeria, Haiti, Cuba, even Iraq would like to come here too. 4) Please don't blow the Mexican flag in our face and expect us to accept this. Whoever gave the protesters Mexican flags to wave in D.C a while back was just plain WRONG. If you want to be accepted here you have to be a citizen, you can't fly a foreign flag in protest. 5) Latino/Hispanic cultures are beautiful. We respect your heritage so please respect ours. One thing guarenteed to piss off African-Americans is when foreigners look down their noses at us becasue we aren't white. Don't do this ! Our struggle is significant; we don't like outsiders considering those of us who are born here to be 'less than'. 6) Please drop the 'You have it, we don't, so just give it to us' mentality. We are not a communist or socialist country and we are not about to become one. Please don't feel you are entitled to get handed free stuff because you slid it across the border. Achievement comes by hard work and sacrifice. See also issue 2 and remember the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina, we have poor people of our own. 7) We ARE NOT all lazy, drug addicted gangstas. Please take time to get to know someone black who is hard working, sensible, productive, and Christiian and you will learn we are much more alike than different from you. 8) Black women are sensitive. Please be respectful in what you say and how you treat them. Always follow a Christian attitude.

    User Detail :  

    Name : C20813, Gender : M, Race : Black/African American, Age : 38, City : Pontiac, State : MI Country : United States, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper middle class, 
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