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  • in reply to: Why no African Americans at office party? #42814

    When my friends - married couples and kids - get together, we all say the same thing. We dread when these 'parties' come up. I agree completely w/ the person saying our parties are different - they ARE. All the office parties (that I've been to) organized by white people involve standing around, drinking and talking; at Black parties you dance. I don't know any blacks at predominately white companies who honestly feel they are completely comfortable. We all know better than to forget that we cannot do the same things, behave in the same ways as the white employees and be forgiven for the same transgressions whether intended or not. Just LOOK at how you point out that the Af Americans didn't come and how they should KNOW better than to DARE not attend! You don't have that same tone about the non-black employees now DO you mister impartial?!!! Just give me my check, let me go home to my family where we can 'break it down', 'keep it real', not be formal and on our toes and watched/judged. You obviously have no clue that we feel the difference. Just IMAGINE how you'd feel if you flipped the colors and EVERYONE was black and only a few of you were white. Being white - do you go to an all black church? Why not? Because it is completely different than and oustide of your comfort zone. Maybe like me, these employees have reached the point of being sick of pretending. Personal time is precious and when you don't share similar backgrounds, what is there REALLY to talk about w/ coworkers - whatever the color - who you have no common bond w/ outside the workplace? You can talk shop at work! How many true black friends do YOU have?! And if you THINK you do, ask yourself if you have EVER been invited to their home. After work hours, especially when you're past the club scene age, we socialize w/ people we trust and who are basically extended family; people who don't have to 'go out of their way', 'go above and beyond' with any effort because they are just like us and there IS NO EFFORT. We are the same. We can relax. There is no judging. It's good that you are trying but there is the tension and the recognized need for reaching out. If you truly see that there is need for reaching out, please understand that the day-to-day tension of being the one who must be remembered or consciously included, is frustrating. Nobody wants forced love.

    User Detail :  

    Name : C19197, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : 35, City : B, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : Computers, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 
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