Reply To: Columbine and white reaction



Wow, thanks for notifying me – can I go collect on that BMW now? I think a great deal of assumption lies in your question. Are you sure you’re interested in an answer? First, there are millions of white people in this country, and most are not rich. While I won’t deny the definite trends of highly conspicuous consumption and ambitions to earn as much money as possible, I wouldn’t confine it to whites – nor would I apply it to all whites.

I graduated not too long ago from what might be described as an idyllic, suburban high school. Some students were spoiled by their parents; some were not. I can tell you how things were for me; I’m not going to attempt to speak on behalf of every white person in this country, particularly the residents of Littleton. The only financial lesson my parents gave me was to save as much as possible. They gave me a reasonable allowance and an old car when I turned 18. My grandfather lived meagerly in order to pay college tuition and living expenses for me and my siblings. I’ve ridden in a BMW once, and it belonged to a self-made, 34-year-old woman.

Some parents forfeit time with their children in order to make more money and try to make up for it with expensive gifts. Some kids have serious mental problems. From what I’ve seen, those are cross-cultural things and cannot be pinned solely on the white race. I would suggest you forge some relationships with white people rather than rely on a few snap judgments.

User Detail :  

Name : SR28482, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 21, City : Austin, State : TX, Country : United States,