Reply To: Why do people think Italians are part black?



People are asking that because Sicily was at one time conquered or ruled by the Moors. The Moors are of mixed race. If you look up Moors they may be called something else now. Also, it depends on what source – some will not even claim to have negroid blood in them. It all depends on where you read about them. If you go to other countries, they don’t consider themselves white, either. The United States does. Mediterreaneans are not white. Also, look at some Sicilians, for instance John Turturro. He has kinky hair. Nelly Furtado is Portuguese. She says on an album prior to ‘Loose’, that they tried to make her appear white. I can’t recall the song. When I feel better I will post it. Italians and others like them (Greece, Spain, Portugal, and even France), look more exotic than the English, Nordics and Irish. Besides, so what if someone thinks Sicilians have African blood. What is so wrong with that? John Turturro is a handsome man. Nelly Furtado is a beautiful woman. This gets on my nerves because people get so defensive if someone claims they have negroid or African lineage/heritage, but they will claim every other ethnicity. For example, ‘I’m Chinese, German, and Hawaiian’. They sound proud, as they should be, but you rarely see people being proud of having a black ancestor. There is a big problem. I personally, don’t know why you are so offended.

User Detail :  

Name : Nichole, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 31, City : St. Louis, State : MO, Country : United States, Social class : Middle class,