Reply To: Does being poor = being dirty?


J. Ewing

Okay I lived with my boyfriends parents who were very poor and very very dirty. I have friends of all classs’s My family was poor but very clean. I have noticed and wondered why poor equals dirty also. Its a matter of why the person is poor. We were poor because my mom was working to support 3 kids alone. My boyfriends parents are poor because she is an alcholic and a into drugs really badly. In all my experiences the cases have been the same exactly. I people are poor because they wont work (laziness) or because drugs and acohol take all there money (or gambling) they generally dont clean either.

User Detail :  

Name : J. Ewing, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 20, City : Monroe, State : GA, Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class,