Reply To: White privilege


K. Lynn

I think we all agree that there are poor, struggling folks of all races. But I maintain that no matter how poor a white person is or was, if you dress him or her up right, he or she can go anywhere in the world they want and not have to worry about receiving substandard treatment. (And yes, that includes black neighborhoods, where quite a number of white people can be found each and every day.) Whereas in certain cases and places I am treated as uneducated, ignorant, and at worst, dangerous. No, this doesn’t happen on a regular basis. Maybe I’ve grown calluses such that I don’t notice it as much. But it happens enough. I have a college education, I make more money than a lot of people, I speak well, I dress well, and my criminal record consists entirely of parking tickets. I am competent, I am professional, I comport myself well. And yes, I am a VERY nice person. Yet I still get followed around in stores. I still get talked down to by strangers. I still get second-guessed on decisions I make in the workplace. Why? Answer that question for me and we might be on our way to understanding each other better.

User Detail :  

Name : K. Lynn, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 34, City : Chicago, State : IL, Country : United States, Occupation : Writer/programmer, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,