Reply To: White privilege



It means recognizing that you have and have always had a certain advantage because of the mere color of your skin. It means recognizing that due to racism, your ancestors received certain benefits – whether it be education, ownership of property or even access to these things that people of color could not receive. Often, people misunderstand and think that “white privilege” means that all whites are rich. It doesn’t mean that. It just means that your skin color often serves as a ticket to get you “in the door” – you get a chance just because you are white. However, if you are a minority, sometimes you are screened out simply because of your skin color. White privilege means you have a certain access to certain opportunites that people of color often don’t have. When we say take responsibility for your white privilege, we just mean acknowledge that the reason that you have even some of the simple things that you have is that you were never discriminated against by the majority population in this country. Taking responsibility means recognizing that you have been given an advantage because of your skin color and being sensitive to those who have less money and/or education because they were denied access in the past simply because of their skin color.

User Detail :  

Name : M-Bena, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, City : New Orleans, State : LA, Country : United States, Occupation : Law Clerk, Education level : Over 4 Years of College,