1) For starters, they are theologically opposed, as Christianity and Judaism are essentially theologically opposed. Jews are still waiting for the Messiah. Christians claim Jesus was the Messiah. Muslims claim Muhammad was God’s final prophet. Christians don’t accept this because Jesus said he was the last one. It’s true that Islam does acknowledge Moses and Jesus, but it ‘demotes’ Jesus to just another prophet. Hence the rub.
2) There is the problem with a fatwa of condemning someone to death for blasphemy, whether they are a Muslim or not, such as what happened to Salman Rushdie. Even Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), author of ‘Peace Train,’ said Rushdie must die.
3) Though it’s not ‘true Islam,’ some quasi-Islamic cults often use the religion as a racial bully pulpit, such as the cult ‘The Nation of Islam’ run by the racist Louis Farrahkan. I’ve heard a few black people say things like: ‘Don’t fall for white man’s religion (Christianity). Become part of the brotherhood, the true black man’s religion: Islam.’ This is not true Islam, anymore than the KKK is true Christianity, but it’s still ‘out there’ creating a false impression.
4) It’s a lot like what mainstream Christians have to endure due to the small-yet-vocal minority of fundamentalists who give the impression that Christianity is a loud, divisive, intolerant, warring religion. The vast majority of Christianity is peaceful, tolerant and loving, but you wouldn’t think so if you only had contact with the mass media or a fundamentalist. Islam has the same problem with the militant, extremist Muslims who do hate Christians and Jews and often use violence as a means. Most of Islam is not like that, but you’d never know this from the media.
So, even though most of Islam is comprised of devout, peaceful people, there are some things that have contributed to a negative stereotype.