Reply To: Reply To: NAACP


A NAAWP to help "overcome" Affirmative action?? You are not serious, are you? You DO realize that the biggest group that is federally listed as a "minority" that has recieved the most benefits from AA is, drumroll please, WHITE women. Look it up buddy. Companies are required to have a certain % of MINORITIES...not necessary ethnic ones. So many will hire a butload of white woman and will have satisfied their AA obligations without having to hire as many ethnic minorities. That is why it is hilarious to me when I see white woman lobbying against AA...they are the main ones that have benefitted!! But many do not realize this, and somehow think that the recent surge in women in education and business came from nowhere....or that the top white-good-ole-boy network had a miraculous change of he

User Detail :  

Name : AmberW, Gender : F, Race : Black/African American, Age : 23, City : Greenville, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class,