Number one, most black people aren’t looking for olive branches from whites. Stop judging a whole race based on some rap video, or whatever you’re judging them from. Number two, blacks do not ‘hate’ on the level that whites do. Racism in the black community usually takes the form of tease and taunts, but ultimately, if the person (regardless of their race) shows acceptance of blacks, and views them as HUMAN BEINGS NO DIFFERENT THAN THEM they will be treated respectfully. Living around middle and upper middle class blacks most of my years I’ve seen this quite often. Usually those that aren’t accepted readily usually put forth an aura of extreme arrogance and ‘I’m better than you’ attitudes already. Black people too, do not disown their children for marrying interracially, like many whites do, something I just can’t understand. Number two, it hasn’t been too long since the Civil Rights Movement, and even still there is a lot of racism (subconscience or otherwise) emitted from whites themselves, but let’s put that aside for a moment. Whites for centuries on end have abused and tortured blacks. Rapes, lynching, enslavement, murder — yes, I would think that would cause animosity, for those so-called blacks that would ‘hate’ so deeply. Black anger against whites I understand, because blacks as a whole have been subjagated from them for so long. White anger against blacks or other minorities for that matter I DON’T understand, because they’ve been the ones doing the oppression.