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  • in reply to: Why don’t teens cherish virginity? #22413

    I think you've received some pretty good advice so far on this message board. I do think it's sad that sex is so casual and so easily induced by peer-pressure. In my case, seventeen, I just wanted to 'lose it' - and get it over with, so I could enjoy it more later. I now regret that. I made better decisions after my first time, but it would be nice to be able to look back on my first with a little fondness - and I don't. I tell my own teenager to make sure she knows and loves the person, otherwise she will end up resenting it. I'm pretty open with her. I don't insist that waiting until marriage is the only way but that she should be mature enough to handle all consequences, emotional and physical, she should respect herself enough to wait until the right person comes along and to please, please take all precautions, including being on the pill for a couple of months, first. She's sixteen and does tell me that many if not most of her friends have already lost their virginity and some, unfortunately, sleep around a lot. We both find that sad and not a little desperate seeming. As for why teens don't 'cherish' virginity any more, I think it depends on the person. But certainly media - movies, TV, videos, print - have made it seem like not such a big deal with their frank and often crass portrayal of sex. A lot of the mystery and fear of the unknown that was the case in, (I guess) the fifties, is gone. Also, societies opinions of women who are sexually liberated have changed drastically and are much more accepting than they ever would have been forty years ago. I think kids that are close to and open with their parents and have good self-esteem make the best choices. It's an individual thing.

    User Detail :  

    Name : K26921, Gender : F, Age : 38, City : Austin, State : TX Country : United States, 
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