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  • in reply to: Domestic work and men (or lack thereof) #15526

    That's not quite how it is with my mom and dad. They both work outside the home at full time jobs. Yet my mom works 40 square hours a week as a secretary, and my dad works 60 to 80 extremely stressful hours a week as a police detective. He commutes an hour one-way to downtown L.A. while my mom drives 10 minutes down the road. It's not uncommon for him to come home at midnight and have to leave at 6 or 7 a.m. the next morning, or to come home at 6 p.m. and have to leave at 4 a.m. Not to mention the apalling stress of the job itself. So he doesn't lift a finger, and none of us would ever insist that he do so. He works far harder than any of us, and if he made the same amount of money as my mom we'd be living in the ghetto. The housework is divided up between my mom, myself, and my brother. If there's a big outdoor job to do then I'm the one for that, and my mom is the handywoman of the family.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Dan31662, Gender : M, Race : Hispanic/Latino (may be any race), Religion : Pentecostal Christian, Age : 21, City : L.A. area, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Social class : Lower middle class, 
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