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  • in reply to: Domestic work and men (or lack thereof) #14063

    Because men are responsible for killing bugs and auotombile maintenance. Why must all duties be shared equally. As an anthropologist, surely you know that nearly every society has some type of division of labor based on sex. Feminists assume that women got stuck with domestic chores because men are dominant and we got first pick. I think most married couples just settle into a division of labor that works for them. In my case, I do the laundry and my wife does the shopping and pays the bills. Cleaning is shared about the same. She does most of the cooking and I do all of the house and garden maintenance. Now that our kids are old enough they are doing their own laundry and they cook at least one night a week. I would not recommend this for anyone anymore than I would recommend splitting every task 50/50, but it works for us.

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    Name : Cal29018, City : Lakewood, State : CA Country : United States, 
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