do you see me?

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    Ok, so this is me. I'm mixed, half black and half white. I was born in England, lived in Miami, DC, all over the place. Sooo, I've been able to observe different types of people. My question is, whyyyy am I often getting approached by the same type of African American male and nothing else? Trust me, I have nothing against African Americans, I am half black. But I'm only getting attention from black guys who are not my type. (My type being a much more clean cut look. No head wraps and stuff.) What I want to understand more is the white male. I have had my share of experiences with white men, but they don't make themselves as available to me so to speak. Why is this? Is it just a difference in culture, the way black/white men show interest in females?? Or are white men manily just interested in whites? Keep in mind I live in the sticks. The bush.

    User Detail :  

    Name : cLa, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : batties, Religion : Seventh-Day Adventist, Age : 22, City : Bushville, State : NC Country : United States, Occupation : student, Education level : 4 Years of College, Social class : Upper class, 
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