Talking to the hand

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    A couple of female friends went with me to a club. A guy walked up to one of them and said, 'Hi, I'm Rick.' She kept looking forward and put her hand out - the 'Talk to the hand' pose. He said, 'Wow. Cold,' and walked away, then came back and yelled, 'Why are you such a bitch? All I wanted to do was say hi!' She told me she couldn't understand why he said that, and I said, 'Because you were really rude.' We got into a big fight about it. I understand not showing too much interest, but simply greeting a 'Hi' with a 'No'? We were at a store checking out, and the clerk asked a friend what her Spanish last name meant, and this same friend laughed in his face and said, 'Oh, God, n-i-i-i-c-e try' Do women think it's OK to treat men like this?

    User Detail :  

    Name : Craig31888, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Gay, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 39, City : MInneapolis, State : MN Country : United States, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Those girls were little bitches. Don't think all women are like that. These were conceded girls who probably think they're Gods gift to men.

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    Name : Brandy19400, City : lexington, State : KY Country : United States, 

    I don't think that, in general, women feel that it is okay to be rude to men just because they are men. It sounds to me like your friend might be a little over-confident in acting this way toward other males, or have incredibly high standards. I, as a woman, personally don't think it's okay to act that way...and if I knew your friend, I probably wouldn't get along with her for that reason.

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    Name : Meg, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Age : 20, City : Acworth, State : GA Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    Yes, I've seen this before. Some women are bitches. Maybe she was just showing off in front of you like she's so great that she can afford to be rude to men. It is NOT OK to act like this. When you are at a club it is generally assumed that while you may not necessarily be there to 'pick up' a partner, you are there to socialize. i feel for the guy in question because it takes some guts to walk up to a complete stranger and try to enter into a conversation. I applaud his 'wow, cold' statement but not what he said afterwards. That was not necessary - it was totally apparent anyway. I think your friend will have a lonely life. Here's a tip for women who are not interested when approached - try to work in a sentence about your boyfriend (or sexual preference) real or fake, early in the conversation. You can still have a nice chat but the guy will then know where he stands. (or if you want to keep your options open you can say that you are 'sort of' seeing someone but are not sure where its going.

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    Name : jonah-snow, City : vancouver, State : NA Country : Canada, 

    This sounds very rude behaviour to me, and no, I don't think most women would consider this an acceptable way to treat men. Is your friend very pretty? Perhaps she's just fed up with constant attention from men who think they're in with a chance.

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    Name : G21752, Gender : F, Age : 35, City : London, State : NA Country : United Kingdom, 

    Craig, Your friend is showing strong signs of being fed up with men. Men are funny creatures. Not all of course but I will put 75% of them into this scenario. I once let a man buy me a coke at the mall, I spent the next 2 hours looking for a security guard to ask him to leave me alone. There was no way I was walking out of that mall with him following me. Sometimes men take kindness for sexual need. If a woman greets a man after he tells her hi, in her mind she is being friendly, in his mind she wants to go to bed with him. Same for asking the origin of a name, what perfume you are wearing, and on and on it can go. Some men actually just want a woman of the opposite sex to talk to, but in a bar setting, I would say that your friend did what she did to cut through the chase and to get rid of him before he had a chance to be a cling on.

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    Name : Lesa-Gambino, City : Houston, State : TX Country : United States, 

    Not all women act that way. Unfortunately there are mean people on this earth, and I don't think that meanness can be excluded to one sex or one race or whatever else. I believe this woman's behaviour is rude, mean, pretentious, and unacceptable.

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    Name : Mary21957, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Orthodox Christian, Age : 19, City : Austin, State : TX Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Your friend was a very rude person who thinks extremely highly of herself - which isn't a bad thing until it borders on narcissistic.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Amanda31482, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Lutheran, Age : 24, City : Bradenton, State : FL Country : United States, Occupation : Stay at home mom, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    That is pretty mean. I don't do that. But if I guy doesn't give up after I say no, then I am pretty mean.

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    Name : Shannon, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Irish, Japanese, Age : 18, City : Lex. Park, State : MD Country : United States, Occupation : College-Student, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 

    Girls have been hit on by sleezeball guys with every line in the book. All girls know that a guy in a club who talks to them is either gay, REALLY friendly (very unlikely) or trying to get some ass. If she doesn't want to even try with that loser, and she's heard the introduction line by every guy and his brother, she has a right to reject an unwanted advance. Perhaps 'Hi, I don't want to talk to you, please go away' would have been more polite.

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    Name : Brianna, Gender : F, City : Glendora, State : CA Country : United States, 

    I wouldn't say your friend has the right to be completely rude to people, but then again you have to consider (and perhaps experience it) to understand fully how ridiculous guys can be toward women when hitting on them, especially if it happens often and you aren't even up for it to begin with. Guys generally go hunting for females if they are single (or not) when they are out almost non-stop, and when you've had your fill you really don't care to be nice about it. Even if she had been nice to him, he more than likely wouldn't have taken a hint, which is probably exactly what she was trying to stop cold. I don't know your friend, but unless she is an idiot, she probably knows well the difference between a guy who is attempting to hit on her and a guy who isn't. It's her choice how she deals with it either way, because she isn't obligated to entertain others on any level if she doesn't want to. So what if it's cold sometimes? How cold is being viewed as if you were meat? As if you were obligated? How cold are men to women in the same game?

    Appealing to a woman's character after you get turned down is perhaps the worst mistake made by men after getting rejected, because while some might feel bad for him, most don't. They know the guy is only sore that his mojo got denied and he didn't get what he wants. Such is the game, and the game is never fair. I recommend, however, that she employ another tactic besides 'talking to the hand.' That's just freakin' cheesy.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Lauren, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Bisexual, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 23, City : na, State : SC Country : United States, Occupation : Student; Business Operator, Education level : 2 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    It depends on what type of guy he is. Obviously he was a jerk if he came back just to bitch out your friend. Sometimes you are out just wanting to have fun, not to meet anyone new. Is that such a crime? When I go out to clubs, sometimes I don't want to sit and try to talk to people, so I just blow them off. I just tell the guy that I need to go find someone and tell them bye. Not so bad, is it? We don't do it to be bitches, we do it because we don't feel like talking. But I agree, it was kind of rude of your friend to give him such a cold shoulder when he wanted to say hi. I wouldn't have done it that way.

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    Name : Miki20454, Gender : F, City : St. Michael, State : MN Country : United States, 

    While your friend's actions come off as rude, she's really being defensive. A lot of women get defensive when men approach them in public, especially at clubs and other social situations, because they know they are being judged and evaluated by men (and other women). Her rudeness is her way of rejecting men before they can reject her.

    I think she is going overboard with her behavior by not giving any guy a chance to speak with her and thus get to know her - but maybe that's her goal. She probably has some issues from experiences to which you may not be privy. I am not excusing her behavior, just offering an explanation for why she and other women may behave this way.

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    Name : Della, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : Black/African American, Religion : Christian, Age : 36, City : Phoenix, State : AZ Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : Technical School, Social class : Lower middle class, 

    Some people are insensitive and others are just plain mean, but for the most part people know it's not OK to treat others so badly; your comment conveys that you think only women treat men rudely. I think your friend's problem is that she thinks every man who is polite to her is hitting on her. She must think she's very special. Maybe you could try explaining to her that every man does not want her and that they are just being nice.

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    Name : Annie, Gender : F, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Age : 24, City : St. Louis, State : MO Country : United States, 

    No, it's not OK. Sorry to say, but your friend has a real chip on her shoulder. She seems to take anything a man says as a come-on, which isn't always true. Asking, 'Excuse me, do you have the time?' may just be a time question and not a, 'Hey, let's go back to my place.'

    User Detail :  

    Name : Nicole20032, Gender : F, Age : 25, City : Virginia Beach, State : VA Country : United States, 
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