Self-mutilator needs help

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    People are usually afriad of that which they don't understand. Someone who has never self-mutilated is likely not going to understand the problem. Most self-mutilators don't understand why they do it, so trying to understand is not the issue. Usually, it isn't just one issue, but something that changes from person to person. A 'common' person will probably be of very little help. This is why there are professionals in this field, people who handle this problem in a correct and safe manner. Anyone who is having problems with mutilation should seek real help as soon as they can.

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    Name : Aysha24177, City : Ammon, State : ID Country : United States, 

    amanda, I used to intentionally hurt myself. it wasnt until later that i realized, all i wanted was a reaction from someone, anyone. but, when you think about it, how will that help you, they can say oh poor amanda, or i am sorry do you need to see a doctor? unless you are planning to kill yourself, it really is not that harmful. you need to reach a level of maturity where you say, 'ok, iam not going to do this anymore there is really no point.' EVERYONE has problems in their life, you just need to learn how to get over them. if you really need help, then you should take it upon yourself to go see a doctor. Do you really want your friends and family to have to worry about YOUR problems? It is like trying to make the people you love suffer, just because you are. i am sure you are a wonderful person, and people will definitly see that, especially if you can show them that you are grown up and care about their feelings and not just your own. plus, you dont want to still have scars 3 years from now do you? (i still do)

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    Name : ellen21659, City : omaha, State : NE Country : United States, 

    Mental illness is taboo in our culture. People aren't helping not because they don't care, but because talking about it and even thinking about it makes them feel very uncomfortable. If you still need someone who isn't afraid to talk about it, feel free to e-mail me.

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    Name : Rita, Gender : F, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Agnostic, Age : 22, City : Dayton, State : OH Country : United States, Occupation : Student, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    Most people have no idea how to handle mental illness, or the trauma I assume you've been through. It's terrifying and overwhelming. People may be put off by how much 'work' they think you are. If you're using self-mutilation to cope with your feelings, a) those feeling must be pretty powerful for you to resort to that and b) you don't have other coping skills that most of us would consider 'healthy'. I want friends and partners that can match me, be a support for me. I don't want my relationships to be one-sided, where I do all the helping and someone does all the needing. You need help, but most people are trying to get through the day, and what your asking for is not a healthy relationship. I'd get some professional help, so you'll be in a place to have one (check out Marsha Linehan's work, Diaclectical Behavioral Therapy). Also, when you feel like cutting, try icecubes on the skin. Same endorphins.

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    Name : Ryan24678, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : Buddhist, Age : 29, City : Santa Barbara, State : CA Country : United States, Occupation : Grant Writer, Education level : Over 4 Years of College, Social class : Middle class, 

    I cannot speak for everyone, but as a concerned individual who has know self mutilators, I can say that I have lended help to those I am close to. I believe the main issue is when an individual is faced with helping someone that they do not know that well. I've found that others, myself included, tend to be very hesitant to involve themselves in the buisness of others, especially when those others appear introverted or distraught. My suggestion is that, if you want help, don't be afraid to ask. Other people do care, even if they don't understand where your pain comes from.

    User Detail :  

    Name : Exton, Gender : M, Sexual Orientation : Straight, Race : White/Caucasian, Religion : nontheist, Age : 18, City : Medway, State : MA Country : United States, Education level : High School Diploma, Social class : Middle class, 
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